Starship Troopers 3 Movie Review

The third and final live action Starship Troopers movie, Marauder sought to bring the series back from the dark, dark low budget hell of Hero of the Federation. How'd they do? Well.. they (blog post) got 2 million more dollars and also went straight to DVD. However, (blog post) they managed to funny horror movies prove why a low budget and DVD re

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We regret buying Cavment (Shelley Long)

"Caveman" is a 1981 comedy movie directed by Carl Gottlieb and starring Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid, and Shelley Long. The film is a comedic retelling of the story of early human civilization, set in a time when human beings resided in caverns and depend on hunting and gathering for survival. The movie follows the story of Atouk (Ringo Starr), an

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I'll see a movie once, then have an insight and forget about it the next day. That's me.The acquaintancesThe Bad Film BlogGruesome Night CreaturesA Fistful of CultMake movies anywhereFilms of mediocrity

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